Tulip Time Information
When is Tulip Time?
Tulip Time in Pella is always the first Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in May. In 2025, the festival will be May 1, 2, and 3.
How can I order tickets for the Festival?
Tickets are not required to get into the festival, but they are required for grandstand shows, museum tours, and historic city wagon tours. Tickets are available at the gate for all activities, or you can purchase them in advance online by clicking here. Please note that tickets are not refundable or exchangeable.
When will the tulips be at their prime?
The tulips in Pella are intentionally planted to be at their best during Tulip Time. The gardeners plant a broad variety of tulips with differing maturation dates for the best chance of blooms for the festival. However, Mother Nature always has the last word, so it’s hard to perfectly predict when is the optimal opportunity to see the most tulips in full bloom. After all, bulbs are planted back in October and November of the year before! You can view the City of Pella's Bloom Status Map here.
Where can I purchase tulips and tulip bulbs during Tulip Time?
Fresh tulips are available at floral shops in Pella - Nick's Greenhouse, Thistles (both at their store and at their roving carts), and the Timeless Tulip (both their store and at the Dutch Market). Tulip bulbs can be purchased from Barnswallow Flowers at the Scholte Church (507 Franklin), or from the Pella Garden Club at Scholte House (728 Washington).

How much does it cost?
Many of the events at Tulip Time are FREE! Hundreds of thousands of tulips are planted throughout the town for you to enjoy. Parades wind around the city square, open to the public. The Dutch Market charges no admission. Parking along the streets is free.
There are also many must-see exhibits and shows that charge admission. Entrance fees generally range from $5 - $25.
What are the parade times during Tulip Festival?
We have two parades each day of Tulip Time. The afternoon parade begins at approximately 2:45pm, and the lighted evening parade begins at approximately 8:30pm. The parades make their way down Main Street, around Central Park, and past the Pella Historical Village on Franklin Street.
Do you have a schedule of events for each day?
Yes! You can find the schedule online here.
Where is the best place to eat during the Festival?
Street vendors: There are food booths everywhere you look during Tulip Time! Find the 2024 map and menus here. (The 2025 map and menu will be posted soon.)
Maria's Tea Room: Enjoy a variety of Pella goodies and hot tea while you hear the story of Pella's founding family. Reservations required - click here for more info.
Dutch Dinners: Experience a delicious Dutch-inspired dinner while watching Tulip Time entertainment. Reservations required - click here for more info.
​Restaurants: Click here for a list of local restaurants.​

What lodging opportunities are in the Pella area?
Click here to find a list of local hotels. Rooms fill up fast, so call early!
Where is the best place to park when I arrive in Pella?
Click here to learn more about parking on our "Getting Around" page.
Where can I find restrooms?
Public restrooms are located: at Pella Historical Museums, around the corner from the gift shop; at the Pella Public Library; and at the Pella Police Station. There are porta-potties located near the food booth areas on East 1st Street and Broadway Street, as well as at the Dutch Market.
Are dogs allowed at the festival?
You are certainly welcome to bring your four-legged friend, but be aware that shops, restaurants, and museums will most likely not allow them inside. In general, most places only allow service animals trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. At the Vermeer Windmill, Historical Village, and Scholte House, we cannot allow other dogs, pets, or animals, including those whose sole function is to provide comfort, emotional support, companionship, or therapy. Thank you for understanding.
What provisions do you have for those who are handicapped or have mobility concerns?
Handicap parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis at the Pella Public Library parking lot with access from Liberty Street. We reserve a number of accessible grandstand seats for those with physical limitations. A limited number of wheelchairs are available for check out on a first-come, first-served basis at the first aid tent on the west side of Central Park. Additionally, charging for mobility scooters is available at the Immanuel Reformed Fellowship Church tent behind Franklin Street Clothing. Keep in mind that moving is a large part of the festival, from touring museums, to exploring gardens, to visiting shops, restaurants, and food stands.
I would like to bring a tour group to Tulip Time. How can I get that organized?
We are happy to help you schedule your tour group! Please call or email our Tulip Time office: 641-628-4311 or tuliptime@pellahistorical.com.
How can I get involved in volunteering at Tulip Time?
We'd love your help! Tulip Time relies on volunteers to make the festival a fun and safe experience for our hundreds of thousands of visitors. Please check out our "Volunteer" page for more information about volunteer opportunities and how to sign up.
Who sponsors/supports the Pella Tulip Time festival?
Tulip Time is sponsored and organized by the Pella Historical Museums, and has been since the second festival in 1936.
Today, the festival is planned by the Tulip Time Steering Committee - eight community volunteers who serve for four years each, with two committee members rotating off each year while new members are trained to take their place. This committee works year-round to bring the festival to our community and guests, working closely with the staff at Pella Historical Museums.
In addition, there are many partnerships that make the festival possible. The City of Pella provides numerous labor hours and support for the festival, and Visit Pella is a key marketing partner. Various business sponsor different events and activities during the festival. Additional community partners are all the volunteers, schools, churches, businesses, and more that support the festival by volunteering, participating in parades, organizing food booths, and much, much more.